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Frequently Asked Questions

You Asked, We Answered!

Would I benefit from seeing a Dietitian?

Take a moment to ask yourself a few questions. Do you struggle with your weight? Do you overeat, binge, or restrict certain foods or food groups? Do you have a medical condition such as high cholesterol that would benefit from dietary improvements? Do you suffer with digestion issues or food sensitivities? Do you wonder how to best fuel and recover from workouts? Has your doctor told you to improve your blood sugar levels? Would you like to shed a few pounds without extreme dieting? Has your doctor recommended that you see a dietitian or nutritionist? If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, then the dietitians at 901 Nutrition, LLC can help you!

What is your philosophy and approach to nutrition?

We encourage intuitive eating and the enjoyment of food. We also use a holistic approach, considering sleep habits, stress levels, emotional well-being, and more. We understand that each individual is unique. Knowing and understanding your current lifestyle habits, food likes and dislikes, and overall health goals allows us to best design an individualized nutrition plan that fits seamlessly into your life.

What if i'm having trouble choosing a package?

If you would like some help in deciding on a package, please use the comment box under the “Contact Us” tab to get in touch! We are happy to help you choose the package that would best suit your needs. Contact 901 Nutrition today to see how we may be able to best serve you!

What can I expect during my first visit?

Your first session with us will be the initial assessment in which we will discuss current lifestyle habits and nutrition behaviors, as well as any health conditions that may be present. Lifestyle habits and nutrition behaviors may include timing and frequency of meals and snacks, food likes and dislikes, sleep habits, physical activity level, stress reduction practices, and more. We also may suggest keeping a 24-hour or 3-day food recall prior to the appointment.

With a clearer picture of your current nutrition practices, together we will formulate a nutrition plan. Your plan might include nutrition education, lifestyle modification strategies, tips for overcoming any barriers, meal plans, recipes, and more. We will also set specific and achievable goals. Examples of these goals may be to reach a target weight, to increase physical activity by a certain number of minutes per week, or to be able to identify carbohydrate-containing foods with greater than 90% accuracy.

How many nutrition visits are recommended?

Depending on your specific needs, one visit or multiple may be recommended. For example, if you desire a nutrition education session relating to an upcoming marathon or sporting event, then one visit may be sufficient. On the other hand, if you are seeking ongoing evidenced-based nutrition information, resources, and accountability relating to a medical diagnosis, or if you are interested in a healthier lifestyle, multiple visits may be recommended. Each nutrition session is unique. Through these sessions, the dietitian will guide, support, and counsel you to achieve better health and an improved quality of life.

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