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Progression, Not Perfection

The key to successful weight loss? Progression, not perfection. I love this concept. I love that it allows me the freedom to learn and grow. I love that I don’t feel judged. I am a constant work in progress. I can trial and error and find what works best for me. How sustainable is a “perfect” diet anyway? What even classifies a diet as being “perfect”? Can my likes and dislikes play into “perfect”? What if my background and culture are different from my coworker’s? Most importantly, what if my body responds differently to certain foods than someone else’s body might? What if broccoli gives me gas pains and bell peppers give me hives?

Each individual is unique. No two people are exactly alike. There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” diet.

At 901 Nutrition, we often see and hear about an “on again, off again” approach to healthy eating. People tell us they are either “on a diet” or “off the wagon”. They tell us they plan to revisit healthy eating “after the holidays” or “at the start of the new year” or “when my schedule clears up a little.” Why wait?!? We should ABSOLUTELY be able to enjoy life events while remaining mindful and achieving balance. We should feel empowered in making healthful decisions, whether eating at home or out and about. We should feel confident that we can increase our intake of fruits and vegetables, regardless of our busy schedule. A large percentage of individuals who reach out to us have tried more diets and programs than they care to keep track of. They “just want to lose the weight once and for all.” They are SHOCKED when we tell them that the foods they love can be part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. We support our clients in taking one step at a time. We frequently hear our clients say, “It’s so simple, but it makes total sense.” Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated! Calorie counting?!? Let’s instead make the calories count.

The truth is, we live what we preach. We know that healthy lifestyle habits don’t happen overnight. It takes intention and constant effort. Setting goals and taking action. Small wins are still wins. Instead of giving our clients a new program to try, our goal is to provide them with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to find their sustainable healthy lifestyles.

If you’re ready to ditch the diet mindset (and the serious cravings!) once and for all, don’t hesitate to contact Erin and Kristi at

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